The meaning of salvation – Part 3 – Redemption forever

Jesus as a risen Lord was a shock to his closest disciples. Do you think people wondering about Jesus now was a shock? Read the scriptures and see how both amazed and afraid Peter and the crew were.

Firstly, the women ran away scared because they see an empty tomb (Mark 16:8). John and Peter came back to the tomb thinking the women were telling tales (Luke 24:11-12). Then Mary in worry didn’t even recognise Jesus and mistook Him for the gardener (John 20:14-18)

Down the road, Cleopas and his brethren made an error in walking with Jesus for seven miles to Emmaus and then invited Him in for supper without even realising it was Him (Luke 24:13-35). And then had to run all the way back to Jerusalem to let the other disciples know what they heard and saw.

As the apostles gathered for fear, Jesus appeared to them and had to tell them “Peace be unto you,” and show them His hands and his side (John 20:19-20). Then later, Thomas (known as Didymus) who hadn’t been there, had to see Jesus eight days later for Himself before he could believe.

The fascinating thing about all of this is that Jesus told the disciples that all this would have gone down. In fact sometimes in great details (Luke 9:22, Mark 8:31-33). They both didn’t believe Him and didn’t understand. Jesus rejected and dead was just too much for them.

Though this may seem weird and probably even unbelieving and foolish of the disciples, it’s the same thing we do daily when we either:
– don’t believe in Jesus
– negate the power of His resurrection, or
– lose faith in what He can do for our lives.

So let’s examine a few things about what our salvation means.

What salvation is

1. Firstly, know that salvation is God’s atoning work for your life to overcome sin, death, hell, and the grave.
(John 3:16-17)

2. Jesus by His grace gave you something you couldn’t pay for at no cost to yourself.
(1 Peter 5:6-10)

3. Salvation, once true, happens instantly on belief through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 10:9-10)

4. You are saved not just immediately but through propitiation. This means all sins past, present and future are wiped clean from your slate. (1 John 2:1-2)

5. You are forgiven forever. (Luke 17:3-4)

What salvation is not

1. It does not mean you suddenly become superman/woman and cannot die. It means God will assist you, and you will, upon death, gain eternal life just like every other believer. (Revelation 12:10-11)

2. You do not have to work for your salvation. But since you are saved you have some meaning and purpose set out for you to walk into with Christ.
(Ephesians 2:8-10, James 2:17)

3. This does not give you the license to sin. It simply means you need the Holy spirit’s help and guidance to become more Christ-like. (Romans 6:1-2)

4. It does not mean you are sinless. It means you are blameless and borrowed Jesus’ righteousness to become redeemed. (Psalm 107:2, Galatians 3:13-14)

5. Jesus doesn’t suddenly get a memory lapse or loss and not know the bad things you’ve done. He simply chooses to forget it and put no record of wrong. Like a judge who gives a reprieve for past bad behaviour. (Hebrews 8:12, Jeremiah 31:34)

Knowing you are redeemed should give you unspeakable joy. Living for Jesus may be difficult and different but it is certainly not dreary.

Continue to grow in the spirit and allow Him to do the work in you as you gain strength and maturity. Have a great knowledge of who you are and adore God for His saving grace. But also use that gift as an opportunity to love others and tell them more about Jesus.

This ends the 3-part series about “The meaning of salvation.” Join our weekly newsletter to get a notice when other great updates and articles drop.


Joneil Alcock

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